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http://www.100md.com 2011年5月15日 许文娟 曾伟南 强春芳


     【摘要】 目的 探讨中药治疗妊娠期糖尿病与妊娠结局的关系。方法 对妊娠期糖尿病病例按治疗方式分为常规治疗组A(饮食控制+运动+中药治疗)、对照组B(饮食控制+运动治疗)、对照组C(单纯中药治疗)比较3组的妊娠结局。结果 A组孕产妇在并发症、剖宫产率、早产率、巨大胎儿、胎粪污染的发生率较B、C组低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但3组在血糖控制情况及新生儿窒息无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 中药结合饮食控制、运动治疗妊娠期糖尿病孕妇较单纯中药、饮食控制+运动治疗能改善妊娠结局。

    【关键词】 妊娠期糖尿病;中药治疗;妊娠结局

    Effect of traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of GDM

    XU Wen-juan,ZENG Wei-nan,QIANG Chun-fang.Putuo Hospital Attached to Shanghai Traditional Medicine University,Shanghai 200062,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of GDM. Methods We analyzed 150 cases with abnormal blood glucose level in pregnancy. They were divided into group A、B and C. The treatment regimen was group A with dietary control and physical exercises and traditional Chinese medicine.Group B with dietary control and physical exercises.Group C with traditional Chinese medicine.Among each group,blood glucose level and maternal-fetal complications were observed. Results In the part of controlling blood glucose level and asphyxia of neonates,there was no obvious difference among group A and group B and group C(P>0.05).In the part of decreasing maternal-fetal complications,the rate of group A was lower than group B and group C(P<0.05).Conclusion Traditional Chinese medicine is a kind of effective treatment in GDM,and traditional Chinese medicine should be especially added in those with unsatisfactory control under dietary management and physical-exercises. Maternal-fetal complications can be significantly decreased in well-controlled patients.

    【Key words】 Gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM); Traditional Chinese medicine therapy;Pregnancy outcorne

    妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)指妊娠期发生或首次发现的不同程度的糖耐量异常,发病率为1%~14%,中国目前发生率为1.31%~3.75%,近年逐渐上升。GDM对母儿危害较大,是目前产科研究的热点及重点。妊娠期糖尿病的治疗可通过饮食管理和运动疗法等,如治疗后血糖仍不能有效控制时,就应该接受胰岛素治疗,而口服降糖药因对胎儿有影响不能使用。中药治疗胰岛素抵抗和增加胰岛素敏感性的作用已被实验研究证实[1-4]。因此利用中药治疗GDM有了可能,我们采用中药结合治疗妊娠期糖尿病患者,取得一定疗效,现报告如下。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 选择在2007年10月至2008年9月在我院产科门诊行系统产前检查的孕24~28周的孕妇1896例,常规进行口服50 g葡萄糖筛查试验及OGTT试验 ......
