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http://www.100md.com 2011年4月15日 李俊林 黄丽萨 何玮 王君 郑洁


     【摘要】 目的 探讨阴道B超结合尿LH试纸监测排卵及性生活指导在不孕症患者中的应用情况,以进一步指导临床进行不孕症的治疗。方法 对200例不孕症患者472个自然月经周期进行卵泡生长及排卵监测、尿LH峰值测定及性生活指导,比较不同年龄段、不同不孕年限及文化程度患者的治疗效果。结果 200例不孕症患者共监测472个周期,有64例临床妊娠,妊娠率为32%。其中,年龄越小,不孕年限越短,文化程度越低的患者,妊娠率越高。结论 阴道B超结合尿LH试纸监测排卵及性生活指导对不孕症患者的治疗具有较好的应用价值,特别对治疗年龄较小、不孕年限短及性生活知识缺乏的患者具有重要的临床意义。




    The transvaginal B-Determination and LH urine paper combined with guidance for sexual strip in the application of infertility patients

    LI Jun-lin, HUANG Li-sa, HE Wei, et al. The Mianyang Central Hospital,Mianyang, 621000,China


    【Abstract】 Objective To study the transvaginal B-Determination and LH urine paper combined with guidance for sexual strip in the application of infertility patients, to further guide clinical treatment for infertility. Methods 200 cases of 472 natural menstrual cycle follicular growth and ovulation monitoring, determination of urinary LH peak combined with sexual life guidance, compared different age groups, different duration of infertility and cultural level of infertility treatment of patients. Results 64 cases got pregnancy in 200 infertile patients of 472 natural menstrual cycle, pregnancy rate was 32%. Among them, the younger, shorter duration of infertility, patients with lower educational level, pregnancy rate was higher. Conclusion The transvaginal B-Determination and LH urine paper combined with the sexual life guide in the treatment of infertility has good value, particularly in the treatment of younger age, shorter duration of infertility and lack of knowledge of life has important clinical significance in patients.

    【Key words】

    Infertility; Transvaginal B-Determination; Urinary LH peak;Guidance for sexual strip



    1 资料与方法

    1.1 一般资料 2010年1月至2010年12月在我院不孕门诊诊断为原发不孕或继发不孕并接受阴道超声监测卵泡发育、结合尿LH试纸监测排卵及性生活指导的患者200例共472个周期。所有病例均经各种检查已排除男性因素所致之不孕,均有周期性月经,基础B超检查子宫卵巢无器质性病变,均行子宫输卵管造影或腹腔镜检查证实至少一侧输卵管通畅,月经周期24~38 d,均为自然月经周期。年龄22~35岁,其中30岁以下126例,30~35岁53例,35岁以上21例;不孕年限1~7年,其中1~2年98例,2~4年89例,5年以上13例;文化程度小学以下26例,中学108例,大专以上66例。

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