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http://www.100md.com 2018年2月15日 《世界中医药》 20184
     摘要 情志类疾病的发病率近年来不断升高,它不仅表现为神志、思维等精神心理活动的异常,也表现为外在的躯体功能障碍。《金匮要略》中的百合病、虚劳虚烦不得眠、奔豚气病、惊悸、妇人梅核气及脏躁等皆属于此类疾病。仲景治疗本病注重从躯体症状改善入手,结合心理调治,调畅气机以疏肝,安神定志以调心,整体调节,辨证论治,值得临床借鉴。

    关键词 情志;体征;金匮要略;调畅气机;安神定志

    Abstract The incidence of emotional disease has risen steadily in recent years, which is not only related with emotional and mental dysfunction, but also has physical functional disturbance. In Synopsis of Golden Chamber, there are many kings of this disease, such as lily disease, insomnia with restless ......
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