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http://www.100md.com 2012年5月1日 吴严 贾丽丽 郑颖娜 高兴华 陈洪铎 李远宏




    [中图分类号]R758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)05-0754-03

    Inhibitive effects of topical resveratrol on skin erythema induced by solar simulator ultraviolet irradiation

    WU Yan1,JIA Li-li2,ZHENG Ying-na3,GAO Xing-hua1,CHEN Hong-duo1,LI Yuan-hong1

    (1.Department of Dermatology,The First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001,Liaoning,China;2.Department of Dermatology, The Fourth Hospital of Jilin University;3.Department of Dermatology, People's Hospital of Henan Province)

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of topical resveratrol on skin erythema induced by solar simulator ultraviolet irradiation. Methods Twenty volunteers were recruited and 6 experimental sites were separately marked on their bilateral backs. Sites 1 to 4 were topically applied with resveratrol combination with antioxidant, antioxidant, resveratrol, base, respectively. The products were applied to left-side followed by irradiation, and the products were applied to right-side after irradiation. Sites 5 and site 6 were separatedly designated as positive control and negative control sites. The irradiation last 4 days and skin erythema was observed. Results On the 1st and 2nd days after irradiation, no or only slight erythema were observed on site 1 to site 3. On the 3rd and 4th days, the erythema of site 1 and site 3 remained unchanged comparing to that on the 2nd day, whereas the erythema of site 2 became obvious than before and lighter than that of site 5. The erythema on left-side is slighter than that on right-side. Conclusion Topical resveratol could effectively prevent (more obviously) and reverse the skin erythema induced by solar simulator ultraviolet irradiation.

    Key words: resveratol;ultraviolet;erythema

    阳光中的紫外线(ultraviolet, UV)可减少皮肤中胶原合成,加速分解,改变皮肤微循环,从而导致皮肤光老化 ......
