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http://www.100md.com 2012年4月1日 叶金梅,王洪涛,邓利琴,陈柯,张栋杰,李新桂


     [摘要]目的:探讨Frankel III 功能矫治器(Frankel functional regulator III appliance,FRIII)矫治功能性III类错牙合畸形前后颌骨软组织侧貌头影测量值的变化。方法:选择乳牙期、替牙期功能性III类错牙合患者20例(男9例,女11例),年龄6~11岁,平均9.8岁,面型为直面型或轻度凹面型,前牙反牙合,第一磨牙为近中关系,下颌可后退至切对切,上下前牙排列整齐,应用FRIII矫治,治疗前后拍X线头颅侧位定位片并测量数据,采用配对t检验统计学分析。结果:功能性III类错牙合畸形经FRIII矫治6个月左右,临床上患儿反牙合矫正、侧貌发生改变,SNB减小、ANB增加、前下面高增加、IMPA 减小、面凸度增加、覆盖增加有显著性差异。唇形改变:上唇突度增大、下唇突度减小,上唇倾斜度减小、下唇倾斜度减小有显著性统计学意义。结论:表明FRIII矫治功能性III类错牙合畸形能引起颌骨及软组织侧貌的改变,FRIII是治疗功能性III类错牙合畸形的有效方法。


    [中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2012)04-0633-03

    Cephalometric changes after the treatment of pseudo Class III using the Frankel III appliance

    YE Jin-mei,WANG Hong-tao,DENG Li-qin,CHEN Ke,ZHANG Dong-jie,LI Xin-gui

    (Department of Stomatology,Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center,Guangzhou 510623,Guangdong,China)

    Abstract: Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes of dentoskeletal and soft tissue profile produced by the Frankel III appliance in growing children with pseudo Class Ⅲ malocclusion. Methords Twenty pseudo ClassⅢ patients,9males and 11 females,in the primary or mixed dentition were selected.The patients presented with a light concave or vertical facial profile,anterior crossbite,Class Ⅲ molar relationship,an edge-to-edge incisor relationship,no crowding in upper and lower anterior teeth. Cephalograms were taken before and after the treatment. Results Cephalometric evaluation revealed a significant decrease in SNB angle,IMPA angle and an increase greatly in ANB angle,lower facial height,facial convexity,overjet.Lip structure changed with increasred upper lip convesity and decreased lower lip convesity,the lower lip decrease significantly. Conclusion This treatment showed that significant dentoskeletal and soft tissue changes and the Frankel III appliance is a good way of treating pseudo Class III Malocclusion.

    Key words:Class III Malocclusion;the Frankel III appliance;functional


    1 材料和方法

    1.1 研究对象:选择2007年2月~20011年10月在广州市妇女儿童医疗中心口腔科就诊的乳牙期、替牙期功能性III类错牙合畸形的患儿为研究对象,其中男9例,女11例,年龄5.1~11岁,平均9.8岁。患儿研究纳入标准[2]:①面型为直面型或轻度凹面型,第一磨牙均为近中关系,前牙反牙合,下颌可后退至切对切,上下前牙排列整齐;②中线小于3mm偏斜;③无唇腭裂及其它系统疾病;④无矫治史,治疗配合;⑤至少每天戴14h。矫治前后取研究模型及口腔全景片、头颅侧位定位片。

    1.2 矫治器的制作[3]:印模与牙合重建是制作FRIII矫治器的重要步骤 ......
