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http://www.100md.com 2011年9月1日 文辉才,姚玉婷,付建华,杨红华,刘文剑,刘伟




    [中图分类号]R782 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2011)09-1386-03

    3-Dimensional reconstruction and computer measurement of the clinical application in repair mandible deformities

    WEN Hui-cai,YAO Yu-ting,FU Jian-hua,YANG Hong-hua,LIU Wen-jian,LIU Wei

    (Department of Plastic Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,Jiangxi,China)

    Abstract:Objective To provide the anatomicaI basis for the mandibular angle plasty by measuring the imaging index raletive to the mandibular osteotomy Iine.MethodsThe total of eleven patientswith mandible deformities were involved.The dada of maxillofacial obtained with CT scanning were reconstructed 3-dimention model by using the computer aid design combined with other relative softwares.Through 3-Dimention reconstruction,type of mandible malformation could be displayed clearly and preoperative diagnosis can be performed precisely.Meawhile,measuring the vertical distance between the first morlar and mandible inferior margin and the vertical distance between the second morlar and mandible inferior margin,the line from the second morlar to gonion.Marking the osteotomy line by the D-value,it can result in the well restoration of maxillofacial deformities.Results Base on 3-Dimention reconstruction technology, surgical design performed on the model will promote the accuracy of opration and decrease the operative precedure.Poseoperation the patiens had shown better appearances with satisfactory results. Conclusion3-Dimentionreconstruction thenology possesses highly clinical value in repair mandible deformities.

    Key words:3-dimention reconstruction;computer measurement;surgical design;mandible;malformation

    颌面畸形常由先天性疾病、外伤后引起的继发畸形等原因造成,不仅引起患者的功能障碍,而且导致毁容,严重影响患者的生活质量。颌面骨的畸形尤其下颌骨的发育不良是三维方向的,对其矫正需长、宽、厚的立体修复[1],诊治过程比较困难。然而随着科学计算机技术及医学影像技术的发展并相互渗透,促使了CT三维重建技术在下颌骨畸形整复的应用。利用CT三维重建技术和计算机测量技术,可以实现对下颌骨畸形的精确测量,能更快更准确的解决下颌骨畸形修复对称性的难题 ......
