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http://www.100md.com 2010年3月15日 《中国美容医学》 2010年第6期


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    The preliminary research on the influence of the rhinoplasty on the body image

    LIU Chen1,LUAN Jie2, FAN Fei2, CONG Zhong3,LIU Chun-ming1,LI Gui-zhen1

    (1.Department of Plastic Surgery of 301 Hospital and Postgraduate Medical College of PLA,Beijing 100853,China; 2.Plastic Surgery Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100041,China; 3.Department of Psychology,Beijing University,Beijing 100083,China)
, 百拇医药
    Abstract:ObjectiveTo identify the influence of the rhinoplasty on the body image of the persons receiving the rhinoplasty, and to discuss the postoperative changes of body image of the patients with body dysmorphic disorder.Methods108 patients were tested with the self- rating body dysmorphic disorder scale before and after the rhinoplasty, and the results were analyzed.ResultsThe scores about the degree ofthe body image concerned, the degree of the emotion damnified, and the degree of the social intercourse were higher than those about other aspects. The prevalence of the body dysmorphic disorder in the patients receiving the rhinoplasty was 16.7%.In the all patients, the score of the preoperative scales was 19.23±11.69, and that of the postoperative scales was 15.89±10.26(P<0.01). In the patients with body dysmorphic disorder, the score of the preoperative scales was 45.36±5.27, and that of the postoperative scales was 31.08±9.14(P<0.05). The items of the scores which were decreased after the rhinoplasty were focused on the sense of the body defect, the degree of the emotion damnified, and the degree of social intercourse.ConclusionThe patients receiving the rhinoplasty pay much attention to their own body image preoperatively, and their emotion are damnified severely. The rhinoplasty can improve their body image. Body dysmorphic disorder is the frequent psychological complication in the patients receiving the rhinoplasty, and the rhinoplaty can help the patients with body dysmorphic disorder to eliminate the negative body image.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words:rhinoplasty;body image;body dysmorphic disorder

    体像(Body Image)是人们对自己身体的心理感受,是个体对自己身体所给予以美丑、强弱等的主观评价[1]。体像是与整形美容医学关系最密切的一个心理学概念,关于体像的理论是整形美容心理学基础研究的核心内容,因为要求进行手术治疗的整形美容外科受术者或多或少都要涉及到体像问题[2]。有利于自我肯定、自我接受的体像称之为积极体像;反之,则为消极体像。消极体像轻者会使人产生不舒适、不愉快的情绪,重者往往自身难以克服,并严重影响学习、工作和生活,甚至发展成为体像障碍(Body Dysmorphic Disorder)。从临床上看,相当多的整形美容外科求术者都是被消极体像困扰的人;而整形美容手术的目的,从根本上讲,也就是帮助受术者建立良好的体像[3]。

    鼻是面部中央隆起呈三角形的锥状器官,作为面部的最高峰,素有“颜面之王”的美称。由于鼻居于面部中心、位置显著,故其外形的完整、端正以及合乎美学比例的结构对一个人的面貌极为重要。所谓“五官端正”,鼻子起着对称中轴的重要作用,其位置决定整个面容的均衡性和对称性。人们总有意无意的给鼻子附加许多喻示意义。有人认为:男性大鼻是力量与智慧的象征,而女性小鼻则是沧桑与贤淑的标志。面相学总爱把鼻子和人的性格联系起来:扁平鼻显得平庸,鹰钩鼻给人以阴险狡猾之感,鼻肥而高则被认为有发财的福气。中医认为观鼻可以了解生殖系统的病变。精神分析家们也把鼻子作为男性生殖器的象征。因此,拥有一个自己满意的外形完美的鼻子成为众多整形美容求术者追求的目标。, 百拇医药(刘 晨,栾 杰,范 飞,丛 中,柳春明,李桂珍)
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