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http://www.100md.com 2017年3月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第6期

    [关键词]诃子; 藏药; 中医传承辅助平台; 组方规律

    [Abstract]This study using traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support software(TCMISS) to analyze the prescription rules of Tibetan medicine containing Terminalia chebula in the Encyclopedia of Chinese MedicineTibetan Medicine, Tibetan Medicine Composition Preparation of Modern Research and Clinical Application and Common Interpretation of Tibetan Medicine and so on. TCMISS(V25) was used to build a prescription database of Tibetan medicine containing T. chebula.The software statistical statement module, association rules and improved mutual information method and other data mining technologies were adopted to analyze the common herbs, combination rules and core combination of prescriptions containing T. chebula.Total 502 prescriptions containing T. chebula were analyzed and 14 common herbal combinations were summarized, whose ingredients mostly had the functions of clearing heat and detoxicating, promoting blood circulation and stopping pain, warming the middlejiao and promoting the circulation of Qi. Prescriptions containing T. chebula were commonly used to treat 640 kinds of diseases, there are 22 kinds with high frequency(≥12) in which the representative "Tripa" disease, antiquated febrile symptoms, food poisoning had the highest frequency.T. chebula had different therapeutic effects through different compatibility.The complex composing and medication regularities of Tibetan medicine containing T. chebula have been clarified by TCMISS. That will provide reference for the clinical application of T. chebula and the new development.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Terminalia chebula; Tibetan medicine; traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system(TCMISS); composition principles

    诃子系使君子科植物诃子Terminalia chebula Retz.或絨毛诃子(T chebula Retzvar tomentella Kurt的干燥成熟果实[1]。诃子又名诃黎勒《金匮要略》、诃黎《千金要方》、诃梨《外台秘要》、随风子《传信方》,蒙药名为“阿如拉”,泰语称“麻菜果”,是一种外来药,据研究此为阿拉伯语halileh的音译名,原产于印度、缅甸等地,我国云南、广东、广西、西藏等地均有分布[23]。藏医药学认为,诃子有全部藏药具备的六味、八性、三化味和十七效,能治疗很多种疾病,因此在藏药学经典著作《晶珠本草》[4]里被称为“藏药之王”,是最常用的藏药。诃子具有涩肠止泻止血,敛肺止咳,降火利咽等功效,临床常用于治疗久泻久痢,便血脱肛,肺虚喘咳,久嗽不止,咽痛音哑等[5]。此外通过对本草文献的全面深入研究发现,本品也具有消食和胃、清热生津、敛疮解毒、明目等功用[6]。本文借助中医传承辅助平台(TCMISS)对《中国医学百科全书——藏医学》、《藏医成方制剂现代研究与临床应用》、《常用藏成药诠释》等中含有诃子的藏药复方进行整理,分析其主治病证、药物频次及常用药物组合等,用规则分析方法对常用的相关药物进行归类,为诃子的临床应用和研发提供参考与依据。, http://www.100md.com(杨文娟 泽翁拥忠 张艺 更藏加 聂佳)
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