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http://www.100md.com 2015年2月15日 中国中药杂志 2015年第4期

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    Histomorphological study on folk medicine Lysimachia fortunei

    WU Zhi-gui, FU Xiao-mei, HU Sheng-fu, PEI Jian-guo, GE Fei*, CHU Xiao-lan, FAN Cui-sheng

    (Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource Research Room, School of Pharmacy, Jiangxi University of

    Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China)

    [Abstract]To set standards for histomorphological studies on Lysimachia fortunei, an efficacious and widely applied folk medicine in this study, in order to develop its resources. Its species were identified by observing plant morphology and herbs appearance characters, preparing slices with routine methods and defining structural characters. According to the results of morphologic observation, leaves, stamen and pistil of this plant were different from the descriptions in Flora of China. The whole herb can be used in medicines, mainly including rhizomes, stems and leaves. According to the findings in the first study on microscopic structures, its rhizomes, stems and leaves were characteristic and worth identifying. The transaction tissue structures of rhizomes and stems were under developed and contained endodermis, secretory structures; Stems had sclerenchymata of different shapes of sclereids; Leaves were bifacial and had vascular bundles under midribs, which were surrounded by parenchymal sheathes. On the surface of leaves, stomata, glandular hairs and keratin lines were morphologically different in upper and lower epidermis. The herbal power had glandular hairs, sclereids and vessels. In conclusion, herbs of L. fortunei can be identified by the above histomorphological characteristics, which lays a foundation for further development and application of L. fortunei.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]folk medicine; Lysimachia fortune; histomorphology


    星宿菜为民间常用草药,又称大田基黄、红脚兰、红头绳等,具有清热利湿,活血调经的功能,主治感冒咳嗽咯血、肠炎、痢疾、肝炎、风湿性关节炎、痛经、白带、乳腺炎、毒蛇咬伤、跌打损伤等[1]。经调查该药来源于报春花科Primulaceae珍珠菜属Lysimachia红根草L. fortunei Maxim.的全草[2],分布于中南、华南、华东各省,生于沟边、田边等低湿处。该药疗效确切,在民间的使用范围特别广泛,但对其形态组织学特征未见系统报道。为发掘这一民间药资源,本实验对星宿菜进行了形态组织学方面的研究,以期为该资源的鉴定和品质评价利用提供依据。, http://www.100md.com(吴志瑰 付小梅 胡生福 裴建国 葛菲 褚小兰 范崔生)
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